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Human Anatomy and Physiology I

  1. Discuss in detail on composition and functions of blood.

  2. Write a note on the structure of heart with help of a neat and labeled diagram.

  3. Write structure and function of lymph node?

  4. Describe structure and functions of different types of epithelial tissue.

  5. Discuss blood grouping and Classify tissue system of body


Pharmaceutical Analysis I 

  1. Discuss in brief about different techniques involved in pharmaceutical analysis.

  2. Explain non-aqueous titration. Discuss about various types of solvents and indicators used in non-aqueous titrations.

  3. What are various types of conductivity cells? Why is the platinization of electrodes done?

  4. Write in brief about basic principle, theory, types and applications of diazotization titration.

  5. Explain the assay procedure of Ephedrine Hydrochloride and differentiate between Mohr’s method and Volhard’s method.


Pharmaceutics I 

  1. Describe the Soxhlet apparatus and the process of extraction taking place in it.

  2. Define aromatic waters. Explain the different methods for preparing aromatic waters.

  3. What is geometric dilution. Explain with suitable example.

  4. Explain the term tolerated and adjusted incompatibilities.

  5. Discuss tests for identification of emulsions and explain the different methods for the preparation of ointments.


Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry

  1. Give a detail note on the construction and working of G-M counter. Discuss various applications of radio pharmaceuticals.

  2. Define and classify antacids with examples. Mention the ideal characteristics of antacids. Write down the monograph of any two inorganic antacids.

  3. Write down the mechanism of action of antimicrobial agents. Write down the monograph of Hydrogen peroxide and Boric acid.

  4. Describe in detail about the limit test for Arsenic with a neat labeled diagram.

  5. Define cathartics. Classify it and mention the monograph of MgSo4 and write down notes on antidotes and ORS.

5.        Communication Skills


  1. How is the audience important while making a presentation?

  2.  Show the difference between formal and informal style.

  3. What is communication? Discuss some of the barriers to effective communication.  

  4. Write a short paragraph on “How to send an e mail”?

  5. Show the difference between the long and the short vowel sounds in English Pronunciation.

  6. Write the “Do’s & Don’ts” of group discussion.

  7. Discuss the relation between Tense & Time.

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