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Human Anatomy and Physiology II

  1. Write a note on generation of action potential.

  2. Define neurotransmitter. Add a note on biogenic amines.

  3. What are the various regulation centers of respiration?

  4. Write a note on Formation and role of creatinine Phosphate.

  5. Write a note on spermatogenesis.

  6. Write a note on actions and production of thyroid hormones.

  7. Briefly discuss about Anatomy of male and female reproductive system.

  8. Define vital capacity and write about various volumes and capacities.

  9. Write the steps involved in micturition process.


Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry I 

  1. Explain the IUPAC rules for aliphatic carboxylic acids with examples.

  2. Describe the electrophilic addition reactions of conjugated dienes with examples.

  3. Classify alkyl halides with examples. Write any two methods of preparation for the same.

  4. Write methods of preparation (any two) and reactions (any two) of aliphatic amines.

  5. Explain any two qualitative tests to differentiate various classes of alcohols.

  6. Write any three qualitative tests for carbonyl compounds.

  7. Explain Markovnikov’s addition of alkenes with examples.

  8. Describe the mechanism involved in aldol condensation with examples.

  9. Explain the acidity of carboxylic acids & effect of substituent on their acidity.



  1. Explain the Gluconeogenesis pathway.

  2. Explain inhibitors and uncouplers of ETC.

  3. Write in detail about any one disorder of lipid metabolism.

  4. Discuss the urea cycle.

  5. Write the synthesis and significance of dopamine.

  6. Explain the Translation process.

  7. Write the structure of Coenzymes and their biochemical functions.

  8. Explain the biosynthesis of pyrimidine nucleotide.

  9. Write about Oxidative phosphorylation with mechanism.



  1. What is Alzheimer disease? Enumerate its signs and symptoms.

  2. Explain the pathogenesis of asthma.

  3. What is ischemic heart disease? Explain its types.

  4. Describe the pathophysiology of meningitis.

  5. What are peptic ulcers? Discuss pathophysiology.

  6. Mention aetiology and symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease.

  7. Describe the causes and symptoms of AIDS.

  8. Define homeostasis. Write various components of feedback system.

  9. Explain the aetiology and pathogenesis of acute renal failure.

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