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Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry II 

  1. Explain the Friedel crafts alkylation of Benzene and its limitations.

  2. Write the Preparation methods of Cyclopropane.

  3. Explain the principle and significance of Iodine value.

  4. Explain the reactions of Anthracene.

  5. Add a note basicity of Aromatic amines.

  6. Discuss about Hydrolysis and Hydrogenation reactions of fats and oils.

  7. Draw and explain the molecular orbital picture of Benzene.

  8. Write the note on Sachse mohrs theory and give the chemical reactions of Cyclobutane.

  9. Add a note on Drying oils and saponification value.


Physical Pharmaceutics I

  1. Write a note on Raoult’s law and real solutions.

  2. What is critical solution temperature? Write its applications.

  3. Write a note on crystalline state and amorphous.

  4. What is Polymorphism. Write its applications.

  5. Write a note on HLB scale and its applications.

  6. Write the applications of complexation in pharmacy.

  7. Write a note on buffer capacity and maximum buffer capacity. Write Vanslyke’s equation.

  8. Write about pH scale. Write methods for determination of pH.

  9. Write a note on buffers and its importance in pharmaceutical and biological systems.


Pharmaceutical Microbiology

  1. Write about Redial-Walker test.

  2. Explain about preservation of pure cultures.

  3. Explain Acid fast staining.

  4. Write the applications of Animal cell culture.

  5. Explain the reproduction in Bacteriophages.

  6. Explain about Indole production test.

  7. Explain morphology of viruses.

  8. Write about Dark field microscopy.

  9. Write about different sources of contamination in aseptic area.


Pharmaceutical Engineering 

  1. Explain the factors influencing the size reduction.

  2. Write construction and working of pilot tube.

  3. Describe fourier's law and stefan boltzmann law for heat transfer along with their significance.

  4. What is Mean free path and mention its significance in construction and working of molecular distillation unit.

  5. Write the characteristics and working of propellers, turbines and paddles

  6. Explain the multiple effect evaporator and its economy.

  7. Explain the equipment parts and their functioning in a fluid bed dryer.

  8. Describe super centrifuge with the help of a diagram and mention its applications.

  9. Write basic equipment applicable to material handling systems.

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