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Medicinal Chemistry II

  1. Explain Antineoplastic agents with examples. Write the mechanism of action of Antimetabolite.

  2. Write the MOA, uses and synthesis of metformin.

  3. Write the classification of calcium channel blockers with structures.

  4. Write the MOA and synthesis of Nitroglycerin.

  5. Write a short notes on Anti-arrhythmic Drugs.

  6. Write the SAR of local anaesthetic agents.

  7. Explain the Nomenclature and Stereochemistry of steroids.

  8. Write a short note on the alkylating agents.

  9. Write the structure, uses and MOA of Omeprazole.


Industrial Pharmacy I

  1. Describe the methods to study solid forms.

  2. Explain racemization and polymerization of API with examples.

  3. Write a note on manufacturing of pharmaceutical suspensions.

  4. Discuss tablet manufacturing defects and techniques to overcome them.

  5. Describe steps involved in extrusion-spheronization.

  6. Explain manufacturing of SGC.

  7. Discuss the method of pyrogen testing for injections.

  8. Describe manufacturing and evaluation of shampoo.

  9. Explain the formulation and labelling requirements for ophthalmic products.


Pharmacology II

  1. Write short notes on oral anticoagulants.

  2. Write the pharmacological actions and uses of prostaglandins.

  3. Explain the pharmacology of Sodium nitroprusside.

  4. Write the mechanism of action, adverse drug reactions and therapeutic uses of ACE inhibitors.

  5. Explain the pharmacology and uses of vasopressin.

  6. Write the pharmacology of allopurinol.

  7. Write the mechanism of action, adverse drug reactions and uses of metformin.

  8. What are the methods of bioassay of insulin? Discuss any one method in detail.

  9. Write a brief note on oral contraceptives.


Pharmacognosy II

  1. Discuss the chemistry of digitalis.

  2. Write a note on tracer techniques in biogenetic study.

  3. Give the estimation and utilization of Caffeine.

  4. How will you isolate, identify and analyse the Citral.

  5. Write a principle and application of TLC.

  6. Define volatile oil. Give various methods used for isolation of volatile oil.

  7. Write the biological source, structures of chemical constituents & uses of Digitalis.

  8. Give biological source, chemical constituents and uses of Opium and Clove.

  9. Define tannins and write a note on Catechu.


Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence

  1. What are the requirements for manufacture of schedule X drugs?

  2. Write a note on Schedule U.

  3. Describe Manufacture In bond and Outside bond.

  4. Write the Constitution and Functions of narcotic and Psychotropic Consultative Committee.

  5. What are the general labelling requirements for drugs and cosmetics?

  6. Write a note on Code of Pharmaceutical Ethics.

  7. Explain CPCSEA guidelines for animal experiments.

  8. Write a note on right to information act.

  9. Write a note on National list of Essential Medicined (NLEM).

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