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Biostatistics and Research Methodology

  1. What do you mean by biostatistics? Give its importance in pharmacy

  2. Describe the types of dispersion

  3. Calculate range for individual series – X : 120 170 240 100 105 205 300 160 150 180

  4. What is the significance of probability?

  5. Describe the properties of normal distribution

  6. What is factorial design?

  7. Name the open source graphical user interfaces supported by R.

  8. What is observational study? Give an example.

  9. What are the various statistical methods used in excel?


Cosmetic Science

  1. Write a note on evolution of cosmeceuticals from cosmetics.

  2. Write a note on hair growth cycle.

  3. Write formulation and mechanism of action of Antiperspirants & deodorants.

  4. Write about toothpaste for bleeding gums and sensitive teeth.

  5. Write about sun protection formulations.

  6. Write role of Aloe and Turmeric in skin care.

  7. Write BIs specifications analytical methods for skin creams.

  8. Write a note on measurement of TEWL by Tewameter.

  9. Write about causes and prevention of dry skin.


Pharmaceutical Marketing

  1. Write about marketing environment.

  2. Discuss about the National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority.

  3. Explain various theories of motivation.

  4.  Write about global marketing.

  5. Write about medical exhibition and public relations.

  6. Write about new product decisions.

  7. Write a note on product positioning.

  8. Write the future prospects of the Professional sales representative (PSR).

  9. What are tasks in physical distribution management?


Social and Preventive Pharmacy

  1. Write the socio-cultural factors related to health and disease.

  2. Explain signs, symptoms, transmission and treatment of SARS.

  3. Write about Universal Immunization programme.

  4. Write a note on objectives and strategies of National Leprosy control programme.

  5. Write a note on National programme for control of deafness.

  6. Write a note on Family welfare program.

  7. What are the aims and achievements of National Tobacco Program.

  8. Explain about the general prevention, control and treatment of lymphatic filariasis.

  9. Write about Health promotion and education in schools.


Biostatistics and Research Methodology

  1. Define Sampling? Explain sampling techniques.

  2. Explain paired t-test in detail.

  3. Define Normal distribution and state its properties.

  4. Find the standard deviation of incubation period of smallpox in 9 patients where it was found to be 15, 12, 10, 15, 11, 7, 9, 17 and 14.

  5. Explain in detail about theory of probability.

  6. Find the coefficient of correlation between the variable X and Y using Karl Pearson’s method.

  7. Explain 2 2 Factorial Design and write its advantages.

  8. Explain optimization techniques in response surface methodology.

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